Modal Popup Archive

Bootstrap Modal Popup Templates

Windows 8 Bootstrap Modals HTML, CSS Demo More Info / Download Thumbnails Popup using Bootstrap Modals HTML, CSS Demo More Info / Download   Popup Modal HTML, CSS, JS Demo More Info / Download Product List Details in Modal Popup HTML, CSS, JS Demo More Info / Download

Bootstrap 3 Dialog Modal

Modal Popup dialog box using twitter bootstrap framework with responsive layout. Responsive : Yes File Size : 152 KB Demo More Info / Download

Slick Modal – CSS3 Powered Popups

Features : * 50+ available options * Custom modal size * 9 popup postions * 5 transition speeds * 15 transitions effects * Set a timed visibility delay * Lightweight (CSS below 10 KB) * HTML5, CSS3 & jQuery powered Demo More Info / Download

jQuery Modal Simple & Lightweight Popup Plugin

A simple and lightweight modal popup jQuery plugin with different examples. Modal Popup Examples : * Open & Close with links * Styled login form * Resizing * Ajax * Multiple Modals * Fade Transitions File Size : 27 KB Demo More Info / Download