Free WordPress Plugins Archive
WordPress Expand Collapse Plugins

You can add expand and collapse function in your wordpress website using these free wordpress plugins. No coding knowledge required. Just install any one of these following plugins to use expand and collapse functions. Expand and Collapse functions are useful to list out your subcategories, menus, videos, screenshots and more… Expand + Collapse Funk Features :
10 Best Free WordPress Chat Plugin

You can increase your online sales using chat plugins. WordPress chat plugins allow you to chat with your website visitors, analyze web activities of visitors and live visitor monitoring. All these following chat room plugins are free with limited features. Most of the wp chat plugins available in premium version with some advanced features and
WordPress Easy Pricing Tables

Easy pricing table wordpress plugin is a useful plugin to show your product pricing on your website. You can customize font sizes, colors from your admin panel. Easy pricing table wp plugin available in both free and premium versions. In free versions they offer single pricing table design and customization options also limited in free
WordPress 360 Degree Plugins

These 360 plugins are useful to display your product 360 view. User can rotate, spin your products using these following wp 360 plugins. You can use these plugins for your wordpress website. If you are not using wordpress you can try this 360 degree plugins. 360 Product Viewer Compatible up to : 4.3.0 File Size :
10 Free WordPress Poll Plugins

Here we list out some free wordpress poll plugins for your website / blog. You can gather feedback from your readers about your website design or products. So, you know more information about your website readers. These free poll plugins are best widget to use in your website. WP Polls Compatible Up to : 4.3.1 File
9 Free WordPress Pricing Table Plugins

In this post we have collected the list of free wordpress pricing table plugins. If your website is build with wordpress CMS you can display your product details and price using this free WP plugins. All of these wordpress pricing tables plugins are responsive and some of the plugins also available in pro version. Most of the plugins give you